Monday, June 29, 2009

Price Chopper June 28-July 7

You ready to do some shopping? Price Chopper is hoping you'll stock up for the BBQ weekend coming up at their store. What do they have in store for you, oh hot dogs, chips, meat galore and of course your delicious desserts. If I find coupons for these I'll highlight them later in red.

$3.77 watermellon seedless
$1.97 lean ground beef
.97 Ball park franks
$1.77 lay's potato chips
$1.97 Breyers Ice Cream
$2.77 Johnsonville fresh brats
$1.97 Johnsonville smoked brats/sausages
$1.47 Kraft American singles
$4.87 dozen freedom roses
.77 KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce
.97 Hefty plates

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